Kleindiek Ultra-precise Force Measurement System

FMS-LS:  $15,330.90 - Approx. 30 days
The Force measurement system is an accessory to the micromanipulator that allows you to perform measurements and nanoindentation. The attachment is connected to a controller which displays force feedback, and plays the resonance frequencies of your materials on a loudspeaker.

The system consists of a force sensor with integrated pipette holder, control module with preamplifier and a loudspeaker, PC software, a power supply, and an operator's handbook.

FMS-LS control panel

  • Measurement of elastic parameters of cells, Young's modulus, spring constants of MEMS and resonance frequencies
  • Nanoindentation

  • Resolution: sub-µN
  • Force range: up to 10 mN
  • Output: +/- 10 V

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