
Quick-change Needle Holder for 1mm Pipettes

HI-9:  $275.68 - In Stock
Narishige's HI-9 needle holder holds glass capillary needles of 1mm diameter. It is made of stainless steel and has a quick-connect fitting on the back end to allow easy insertion and removal of 2mm O.D. PTFE or PE tubing such as CT-4 or CT-1 (which must be ordered separately). The fitting also allows rotation of the tubing to eliminate kinks in the tube and to facilitate lining up bent-tip pipettes via the included HIR rotation collar. The HI-9 is designed specifically for use with Narishige's IM-11-2 syringe-type injector as well as Tritech's MINJ-D and MINJ-1 pneumatic microinjectors.

An economical and more flexible alternative to the HI-9 is Tritech Research's own MINJ-4, especially when being used with a wider range of needle diameters from 0.5 to 1.5mm. MINJ-4 comes standard with 1 meter of tubing.

HI-9 cannot be used for oil-type injectors or those that need a Luer fitting. IM-H1 or MINJ-4 is required for use with IM-6, IM-9A, IM-9B, and IM-9C.

Here is a video that shows how to change the tubing in a quick-connect:

Accessories included Silicone Rubber Gasket (HI01PK01)
Cleaning Rod
Length/WeightL155mm, 18.6g
Works withø1mm O.D. pipette
Model ProductDescription
HI01PK01Silicone Rubber GasketFor 2.5mm (10pcs)
CT-4ø2mm O.D. Tubingø2mm x 1.2m

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