
Three-Axis Coarse/Fine Micromanipulator and Magnetic Base for Installation on the Stage Side of a Microscope (with Tilting, Rotation Mechanism)

MX-4:  $3,891.89 - Ships in 1-5 days
Narishige's MX-4 model includes the MX's special patch clamping features, excellent stability, but in another more compact, space-saving version. The tilting stand has a magnetic base for unrestricted installation, and allows the whole body to be set at different angles in order to facilitate approaching your target with microelectrodes. A rotation mechanism is also included for easy attachment/detachment of microelectrodes.

Different models for right- and left-handed users are available. Please specify right- or left-handed model when ordering.

Accessories includedH-13 Electrode Holder
Allen Wrench
Tension Adjustment Pin
Movement rangeCoarseX25mm, Y23mm
FineX3mm, Y3mm
Full rotation of knob: 100µm
Minimum graduation: 1µm
Z-axis coaxial handleCoarse/fine movement range: 26mm
Full rotation of coarse handle: 18mm
Full rotation of fine handle: 200µm
Dimensions/WeightW143 × D106 × H265mm, 2.85kg

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