Improved Website
We recently finished development of our new, improved website which incorporates many new features, including:
News Box: Every time you come to the home page, it randomly loads a few news items, citations of papers referencing our products, and Profiles of our scientist customers! When you reload the page, you will get a different batch.
Buy our products, win a Nobel PrizeĀ® like the other 17 Tritech customers who won Nobels, and you're there!! ...Or, e-mail us a summary of your research and say, "Put me in there." Likewise, scientists and authors may request to edit or delete their own profile or publication. We are proud of you and like to promote your work to the world at large! ...Or, order something and wait for us to put you in "randomly."
Send us an electronic copy or hard copy of a paper published by your lab that mentions Tritech Research. We'll add it to the Citations section, and you will also get a FREE GIFT!!!
Send us biology news stories that you find interesting, and we will try to feature them in our news links.
List of useful links: Tritech Research has compiled together a lot of interesting and useful links and created some brand new resources! To ensure that everyone can find all the resources, we have put them all on a single page. Click HERE to see them.
New Rapid Cooling / Heating Incubators
Tritech Research developed two new Rapid-temperature-change Cooling/Heating Incubators: The Unibator and the Hexabator!
Originally developed and optimized to meet the needs of cytokine flow cytometry-specific protocols (ICS and ICSS), the Unibator™ and the HexaBator™ are now available for wider use. One of the unique features of these incubators is the rapid cooling that eliminates the need to transfer samples from the incubator to a refrigerator, reducing the risk of contamination and allowing for highly reproducible results. These unique systems have the ability to cool from 37°C down to 4°C in less than 20 minutes, unlike any other product currently on the market! With our included DeviceCom3™ Software for bidirectional communication / control with a computer, you can give commands and receive information from practically anywhere. With automatic switching between temperatures, you have the power to program an entire experiment with no need to come back to the lab to move samples or change parameters!
Social Media
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