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Item Number   Description Price Qty ->Cart
H-12 Electrode Holder for 1.00mm, 1.2mm and 1.5mm electrodes $64.86
H-13 Electrode Holder for 1.00mm, 1.2mm and 1.5mm electrodes $64.86
H-2 Electrode Holder for 1.00mm, 1.2mm and 1.5mm electrodes $54.05
H-4 Electrode Holder for 3mm electrodes, 7mmø bar $54.05
H-7 Electrode Holder for 1mm electrodes, 4mmø bar $64.86
H-7C Electrode Holder for 1mm electrodes, 4mmø bar (short) $64.86
HA-4-7 4-7mmø Electrode Holder Adapter $59.46

† These are our list prices. If you are paying with an Institutional Purchase Order or by check, you qualify for a 7.5% discount. Click here to change your payment method and see the lower prices.

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Stereotaxic Accessories

Electrode Position Calibrator

  - Special Order - Pricing Available Upon Request
Image for Electrode Position Calibrator coming soon!
Narishige's SN-51 allows the gauge mark (0 point) of the SN series Stereotaxic Instrument to be determined with the electrode carrier mounted on the stereotaxic instrument.


Dimensions/Weight W150 x D30 x H100mm, 0.4kg

*This is a Narishige "Group-2" special order item. Because it has to be custom-made for you, there is usually a 4-week lead time and it is non-cancellable and non-returnable once ordered.

† These are our list prices. If you are paying with an Institutional Purchase Order or by check, you qualify for a 7.5% discount. Click here to change your payment method and see the lower prices.
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Single-Core Sheilded Electrode

  SS-2:  $129.73 - Discontinued
Image for Single-Core Sealed Electrodes coming soon!
Narishige's SS-2 is a shielded microelectrode, used to measure action potentials from such place as muscle fibers. The microelectrode is the single-core type and can move freely by means of a ball joint. Used while attached to the SS-1.


Dimensions/Weight W200 x D105 x H15mm, 90g

*This is a Narishige "Group-2" special order item. Because it has to be custom-made for you, there is usually a 4-week lead time and it is non-cancellable and non-returnable once ordered.

† These are our list prices. If you are paying with an Institutional Purchase Order or by check, you qualify for a 7.5% discount. Click here to change your payment method and see the lower prices.
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Two-Core Sheilded Electrodes

  SS-3:  $145.95 - Discontinued
Image for Two-Core Sealed Electrodes coming soon!
Narishige's, SS-3 is a shielded microelectrode, used to measure action potentials from such place as muscle fibers. The microelectrode is the dual-core type and can move freely by means of a ball joint. Used while attached to the SS-1.


Dimensions/Weight W215 x D105 x H15mm, 100g

*This is a Narishige "Group-2" special order item. Because it has to be custom-made for you, there is usually a 4-week lead time and it is non-cancellable and non-returnable once ordered.

† These are our list prices. If you are paying with an Institutional Purchase Order or by check, you qualify for a 7.5% discount. Click here to change your payment method and see the lower prices.
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You Limited Holders

Needle/Electrode Holder

  UP-1:  $37.84 - In Stock
Image for Needle/Electrode Holder (for 1mmo/) coming soon!
Narishige's UP-1 is a general holder can hold a 1 - 1.5mm pipette. Recommended for use with standard series products.

TypeUP-1 UP-23 UPF-1 UPZ-1 UPZ-23
Angle adjustment---OKOK
Dimensions/WeightL125 × H17mm, 15gL125 × H17mm, 15gL120 × H17mm, 10gL125 × H30mm, 15g L125 × H30mm, 15g

† These are our list prices. If you are paying with an Institutional Purchase Order or by check, you qualify for a 7.5% discount. Click here to change your payment method and see the lower prices.
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Needle/Electrode Holder (for 2-3mmø)

  UP-23:  $59.46 - Ships in 1-5 days
Image for Needle/Electrode Holder (for 2-3mmo/) coming soon!
Narishige's UP-23 general holder can hold a 2 - 3mm pipette. Recommended for use with standard series products.

TypeUP-1 UP-23 UPF-1 UPZ-1 UPZ-23
Angle adjustment---OKOK
Dimensions/WeightL125 × H17mm, 15gL125 × H17mm, 15gL120 × H17mm, 10gL125 × H30mm, 15g L125 × H30mm, 15g

† These are our list prices. If you are paying with an Institutional Purchase Order or by check, you qualify for a 7.5% discount. Click here to change your payment method and see the lower prices.
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Needle/Electrode Holder, Tapered (for 1mmø)

  UPF-1:  $51.89 - Discontinued
Image for Needle/Electrode Holder, Tapered (for 1mmo/) coming soon!
Narishige's UPF-1 holder can hold a 1mm pipette. To save space, the tip is thinner than those of general holders. Recommended for use with standard series products.

TypeUP-1 UP-23 UPF-1 UPZ-1 UPZ-23
Angle adjustment---OKOK
Dimensions/WeightL125 × H17mm, 15gL125 × H17mm, 15gL120 × H17mm, 10gL125 × H30mm, 15g L125 × H30mm, 15g

† These are our list prices. If you are paying with an Institutional Purchase Order or by check, you qualify for a 7.5% discount. Click here to change your payment method and see the lower prices.
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Needle/Electrode Holder, w/ ø4mm Bar

  UPN-1:  $59.46 - Ships in 1-5 days
Image for Needle/Electrode Holder, w/ ø4mm Bar coming soon!
Narishige's UPN-1 general holder is used to hold a 1 - 1.2mm pipette. Recommended for use with the Little Giant series products.

Angle adjustmentNoNoYesYes
Dimensions/Weight L80 × H12mm, 8gL70 × H5mm, 6gL93 × H11mm, 10gL69 × H11mm, 8g
Bar ø4mmø4mmø4mmø4mm

† These are our list prices. If you are paying with an Institutional Purchase Order or by check, you qualify for a 7.5% discount. Click here to change your payment method and see the lower prices.
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Needle/Electrode Holder, w/ ø4mm Bar w/ angle adjustment

  UPN-10:  $86.49 - Ships in 1-5 days
Image for Needle/Electrode Holder, w/ ø4mm Bar w/ angle adjustment coming soon!
Narishige's UPN-10 holder can hold a 1 - 1.2mm pipette and permits setting an offset and an independent angle on the holding section. Since angles are set on two sections, it passes easily over obstacles like the wall of a dish. Recommended for use with our Little Giant series products such as YOU-3, YOU-4, US-3F, and U-31CF.

Angle adjustmentNoNoYesYes
Dimensions/Weight L80 × H12mm, 8gL70 × H5mm, 6gL93 × H11mm, 10gL69 × H11mm, 8g
Bar ø4mmø4mmø4mmø4mm

† These are our list prices. If you are paying with an Institutional Purchase Order or by check, you qualify for a 7.5% discount. Click here to change your payment method and see the lower prices.
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Needle/Electrode Holder, w/ ø4mm Bar w/ angle adjustment

  UPN-20:  $70.27 - Ships in 1-5 days
Image for Needle/Electrode Holder, w/ ø4mm Bar w/ angle adjustment coming soon!
This holder can hold a ø1 - 1.2mm pipette and permits setting an independent angle on the holding section. Recommended for use with our Little Giant series products such as YOU-3, YOU-4, US-3F, and U-31CF.

Angle adjustmentNoNoYesYes
Dimensions/Weight L80 × H12mm, 8gL70 × H5mm, 6gL93 × H11mm, 10gL69 × H11mm, 8g
Bar ø4mmø4mmø4mmø4mm


Q: Over what angle does the UPN-20 electrode holder rotate?
A: The holder portion can rotate at least +90 and -90 degrees relative to the mounting rod. So with the electrode holder horizontal, the post could be either vertical upward or vertical downward.

† These are our list prices. If you are paying with an Institutional Purchase Order or by check, you qualify for a 7.5% discount. Click here to change your payment method and see the lower prices.
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Ball Joint

  UPN-B:  $237.84 - Ships in 1-5 days
Image for Ball Joint coming soon!
This is a ball joint for setting the holder at variable angles. By adding this ball joint between the micromanipulator and the needle/electrode holder, you get an additional 2 degrees of freedom to choose the angle with otherwise-fixed components. Recommended for use in conjunction with a 4mm holder (MINJ-4 / UPN-1 / UPN-C) intended for the Little Giant series products such as YOU-3 and U-31CF.

Dimensions/Weight W37 × H25mm, 11g
Holder ø4mm

† These are our list prices. If you are paying with an Institutional Purchase Order or by check, you qualify for a 7.5% discount. Click here to change your payment method and see the lower prices.
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Pipette holder

  UPN-C:  $129.73 - Ships in 1-5 days
Image for Pipette holder coming soon!
This is a compact holder to hold ø1mm outside diameter glass needles or electrodes. Since the needle is centered on the holder's axis, no fixing section is needed and this holder is very compact.

Though hard to see in the photo, there is a hole that goes through the entire holder, so if you attach a 4mm inside diameter tube to the back, you can pressurize the needle.

For more needle holding solutions, check out our MINJ-4 and HI-9.

Angle adjustmentNoNoYesYes
Dimensions/Weight L80 × H12mm, 8gL70 × H5mm, 6gL93 × H11mm, 10gL69 × H11mm, 8g
Bar ø4mmø4mmø4mmø4mm

† These are our list prices. If you are paying with an Institutional Purchase Order or by check, you qualify for a 7.5% discount. Click here to change your payment method and see the lower prices.
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Pipette Holder (for 1mmø) 7mm Diameter

  UPZ-1:  $140.54 - Ships in 1-5 days
Image for Pipette Holder (for 1mmo/) 7mm Diameter coming soon!
Narishige's UPZ-1 holder can hold a 1mm pipette and set it at an independent angle on the holding section. Recommended for use with standard series products.

TypeUP-1 UP-23 UPF-1 UPZ-1 UPZ-23
Angle adjustment---OKOK
Dimensions/WeightL125 × H17mm, 15gL125 × H17mm, 15gL120 × H17mm, 10gL125 × H30mm, 15g L125 × H30mm, 15g

† These are our list prices. If you are paying with an Institutional Purchase Order or by check, you qualify for a 7.5% discount. Click here to change your payment method and see the lower prices.
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Pipette Holder (for 2-3mmø) 7mm Diameter

  UPZ-23:  $140.54 - Special Order
Image for Pipette Holder (for 2-3mmo/) 7mm Diameter coming soon!
Narishige's UPZ-23 holder can hold a 2 - 3mm pipette and set it at an independent angle on the holding section. Recommended for use with standard series products.

TypeUP-1 UP-23 UPF-1 UPZ-1 UPZ-23
Angle adjustment---OKOK
Dimensions/WeightL125 × H17mm, 15gL125 × H17mm, 15gL120 × H17mm, 10gL125 × H30mm, 15g L125 × H30mm, 15g

† These are our list prices. If you are paying with an Institutional Purchase Order or by check, you qualify for a 7.5% discount. Click here to change your payment method and see the lower prices.
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